What you can do
If you are struggling financially there are some things you can do that may help improve your situation
Changes to welfare benefits may mean that some of our customers find it harder to budget each month.
Increase your payments
Paying small amounts to your rent account now will help prevent you from getting into arrears if your circumstances change. You can discuss this with our Income Team on 01283 528528 or email income@trentanddove.org.
Take a lodger
You may be able to get additional income from a lodger but remember to check with your Housing Officer first to ensure your tenancy agreement allows this. It may also affect your benefits and you should get advice before your lodger moves in.
Apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP)
You can apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) to increase your Housing Benefit entitlement. DHP is paid by the local authority and can be awarded for up to 13 weeks and you can apply again when your award is due to end.
Find more information below or contact your local council directly:
DHP advice from the Department of Work and Pensions
East Staffordshire Borough Council
South Derbyshire District Council