Struggling to pay your rent
We don't want to lose you and we don’t want you to lose your home.
We can help if things get difficult. If your circumstances change, it's key that you address it earlier rather than later to stop possible problems getting out of hand. Our Income Team is here to talk through the options and refer you for further support where needed.
We can help you with:
It's important that you pay your rent and that you pay it on time, this is a condition of your tenancy agreement. If you have any financial concerns, please contact us.
We'll try to contact you if we think something isn’t right. Failure to pay your rent in line with your tenancy agreement and ignoring our contact to help could result in legal action, further costs and you losing your home.
If you do not pay your rent, you could lose your home.
We're proud of our homes and care about our customers who live in them.
The rent you pay helps to make sure:
As soon as you start to experience money worries and have difficulty with your rent, it’s really important to get in touch with our Income Team straight away. You can call them on 01283 528528.
You can check your benefit entitlements, using this official calculator provided by Entitled to, the leading provider of online benefit calculators in the UK today.
Before you start, you'll need accurate information about your:
Who cannot use them
You cannot use the calculators if you' re under 18, and they will not give accurate results if you are: