Worried about making your rent payments? Talk to us.

Please don’t worry or struggle, you’re not alone. We’re here to listen and help.

Don’t wait, talk to us as soon as you start to experience money worries and have difficulty paying your rent.

Call 01283 528528 and talk to our Income team.

Rents to increase by 2.7% from 7th April 2025

This 2.7 per cent increase is in line with Government guidelines that enable social landlords to use the September 2024 inflation figure of 1.7 per cent plus 1 per cent to set the 2025/26 rent increase.

Service charges are paid by all customers who live in a property with shared facilities and receive additional services such as grass cutting and cleaning and lighting of communal areas.

Shared ownership customers will also see an increase based on the terms of their lease.

Why do we increase rent?

We review your rent and any additional charges you pay, every year in line with Government guidelines for social landlords on rent setting. The reviewed rent and charges will always start from the first Monday in April.

We'll write to all our customers (tenants, shared owners and leaseholders) at least four weeks before to set out how this affects you, explain the calculation and what support is available.

At the same time each year, we’ll also update this page with the new rent and service charge information and signpost to support.

Rent and other charges we collect, are used to pay for the essential services we provide for our customers, such as repairs, improvements to your home and grounds maintenance.

You can see how our income was spent in 2023/24 in our  Customer Annual Report.

We understand that as the cost of living continues to rise, this has a direct impact on us all. Like our customers, Trent & Dove experiences these impacts first-hand with increased costs in materials, labour and the running of our services, which in some cases have increased by more than 20 per cent. 

This is why we need to review your rent and service charges each year to ensure we’re able to continue to invest in your home and the services we provide.

In addition to the standard landlord service paid for by your rent and any service charges, where applicable, we provide a wide range of community services and support for all our customers to access for free.

We’re committed to this approach to ensure we deliver on our mission of Providing homes and services that enable people and communities to thrive .

Read our leaflet for details of the support and services we offer to enable you to do just that. Some of the information included may not apply to you, however, please read it through carefully to ensure you don’t miss out on anything that may help with or explain your rent increase further.

Read our Rent Increase Supporting Information