Our popular slow cooker session welcomes special visitor | News

Our popular slow cooker session welcomes special visitor

We recently welcomed Howard Msukwa, a rice farmer from Northern Malawi, in Africa, to our 181 Community Café in Hawfield Lane, Winshill.

Howard’s visit highlighted the importance of sustainable farming and fair trade practices, the impact of climate change on farmers, and how people from across the globe can impact communities in Malawi.

He participated in one of our popular Slow Cooker sessions, which provided practical cooking skills alongside sampling the prepared dish.

This session involved a mild curry dish incorporating True Origin's Malawian Kilombero Rice.

We started by teaching attendees to chop their onions, peppers, and garlic easily and straightforwardly. It then explained that it didn’t matter how they were chopped and that they should not worry about the process.

Once the fresh ingredients are ready, they are placed in a container to keep cool and ready to take home.


Once all the ingredients were chopped, Howard talked to us about his rice farm, and how the Central Co-op Malawian project has supported him, friends and family by stocking the Kilombero Rice.

Thanks to Central Co-op, everyone who took part received all the ingredients necessary to make the meal at home. We also donated slow cookers to those who didn’t already have them.

The feedback highlighted how important these sessions are for our community.

We had 11 members of our community participate in the session, three of whom returned after taking part in July's Bolognese slow cooker event.

Brandon Hanson-Stringer, our Warm Spaces Project Co-ordinator, said:

"Everyone who attended really enjoyed themselves and learned a lot.

“Howard spoke to the group and explained where his rice comes from and included information about his family and friends who work on the farm.

“It was just brilliant that you could put a face to the rice that you can see on the shelf in the shops."

Our next session will be held from 3pm to 5pm on Wednesday 30th October, at St Chads Community Centre, 113 Hunter Street, Burton DE14 2SS.

If you would like to attend, please email communityengagement@trentanddove.org

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