This financial year has 53 Mondays which means all customers need to pay for an extra week of rent. A 53-week year happens every five - six years. If you haven’t already made an arrangement to cover the additional week of rent, please contact the Income Team via email or call Customer Services on 01283 528 528 and quote ’53 week year’ to reach the Income Team.

When does the current rent year start and end?

If you rent one of our homes, rent will be payable from 1 April 2024 to 6 April 2025. If you are a shared owner, your new rent is payable as per the date stated in your lease.

Why are there 53 weeks in the year?

There are 53 weeks instead of 52 weeks, because there are 53 Mondays in the financial year, with the last Monday being the 31st March 2025. This happens every six years (five if a leap year).

What does this mean for me?

If you pay rent via Housing Benefit, there is no action required. If you receive Universal Credit or pay your rent directly, you will need to arrange to cover the additional week. Our Income Team can help to amend your direct debit or standing order to ensure you pay the correct amount or advise what you need to pay if you pay by any other means.

Do I still get the rent-free weeks?

Yes, if you are paying in accordance with your tenancy agreement, and you are up to date with payments. Customers who pay monthly would pay rent over 49 weeks rather than 48.

How will this be worked out?

If you pay your rent, weekly or fortnightly you will carry on as normal. If you pay monthly and if you are entitled to the 4 weeks rent free, then you would pay your rent over 49 weeks. E.g. your weekly rent is (£150 x 49 weeks) divided by 12 payments = £612.50 per month.

How can I find more information about this?

Information about the 53-week year was included in your annual rent statement and information pack sent in February 2024.

If you want to speak with someone about this or any rent payments, contact our Income Team on 01283 528 528.